Welcome to the official website of Shandong Jinfengyi New Energy Co., Ltd!

Cultural Philosophy:

1、People oriented: Talents are the core of enterprise development and the primary productive force. Give full play to talent enthusiasm and have clear responsibilities. 

2、Learning innovation: Through mutual learning among colleagues, internal and external training, grasp the laws of the industry, and only through innovation can there be greater development. 

3、Integrity and care: Integrity is the foundation of long-term operation, build people with integrity, care for employees, customers, only satisfied employees, can have satisfied customers, improve user satisfaction work, the pursuit of customer group maximization. 

4、Sunshine gratitude: Fairness, fairness, openness, gratitude to customers, gratitude to the company by employees, and pursuit of excellence.


Management Philosophy:

Clear responsibilities, strengthened execution, full authorization, and strong execution ability.


Business policy:

Excellent team, consistent goals, common development, mutual trust, respect, unity and mutual assistance, collaborative execution, and service first.


Brand Philosophy: 

Integrity, care, and building a brand image

Shandong Jinfengyi New Energy Co., Ltd
Shandong Jinfengyi New Energy Co., Ltd
Contact address
Address:71 Changshao North Road, Laiwu District, Jinan City, Shandong Province
Contact Information
  • Telephone:0531-76677123
  • Contact Email:Jinfengyi@jinfengyinewenergy.com
Shandong Jinfengyi New Energy Co., Ltd

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Shandong Jinfengyi New Energy Co., Ltd