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solar air conditioning

  • A new type of solar composite superconducting heating and cooling air conditioner, which uses solar energy and renewable biomass fuel as the main energy source for heating, is a truly green heating method. During refrigeration, a small amount of electrical energy is utilized to utilize the low temperature of the ground source, and a superconducting energy transfer system is used for direct cooling to achieve the most reasonable energy-saving refrigeration effect. Traditional air coolers cannot eliminate unpleasant side effects - long-term consumption of a large amount of energy, low energy efficiency, and accelerating global climate change. If only people could successfully use sunlight to cool their homes or offices - it wouldn't consume a lot of difficult to regenerate energy, and it wouldn't release too much carbon dioxide during the cooling process....
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Shandong Jinfengyi New Energy Co., Ltd
Shandong Jinfengyi New Energy Co., Ltd
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Address:71 Changshao North Road, Laiwu District, Jinan City, Shandong Province
Contact Information
  • Telephone:0531-76677123
  • Contact Email:Jinfengyi@jinfengyinewenergy.com
Shandong Jinfengyi New Energy Co., Ltd

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Shandong Jinfengyi New Energy Co., Ltd